«El Arte y la Ciencia de la Gestión Eficaz de las Emociones» Septiembre 2014The Art and Science of Effective Management of Emotions


Los días 26, 27 y 28 de septiembre tendrá lugar el curso «El Arte y la Ciencia de la gestión Eficaz de las Emociones».

En él, los participantes aprenderán ‘La Ciencia de las emociones’: los aspectos del amplio rango de la exploración científica de los sentires y las emociones incluyendo cómo éstos pueden beneficiarse de la investigación, experimentación y verificación de la metodología científica.

En este taller John introducirá las distinciones, modelos y procesos de cambio claves, para gestionar con eficacia las emociones que han sido identificadas a lo largo del campo del Developmental Behavioural Modelling( DBM®).

Para obtener mayor información puedes descargar aquí la información completa.On September 26th, 27th and 28th «The Art and Science of Effective Management of Emotions», Valencia, Spain.

Emotions are central aspects of our humanity; from sensory pleasure and pain to anger, fear, love, joy and happiness. They are crucial to all our experience, they are central in all our interactions with ourselves, our loved ones and the world beyond.

Increasing our sensory and emotional sensitivity means that there is more of the world available to us; increasing the range and depth of feeling and emotional experience increases our potential quality of life.

Sensory feelings and emotions are intimately related. We often seek the enjoyable feeling and emotion feelings and try to avoid or get rid of the uncomfortable or painful ones. While this is often a useful by not understanding that uncomfortable or painful feeling and emotions play a crucial role in usefully identifying damage (pain), real and potential threats (fear and anxiety) we may be mismanaging our emotions by stopping the pain, fear and anxiety rather than using it. Of course if they are inaccurate or mistaken or stuck feeling and emotional responses then it would be useful to “get rid of them”; but only after finding out how this is happening and improving the effectiveness of how we are producing emotions.

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